Uncategorized · Wellbeing

The Shift


It’s clearly been a long time since my last post. Moving to a new country last year kept me busy beyond belief. Bangalore had cocooned me in familiarity and comfort. The initial excitement of Dubai quickly wore off and I found myself neck deep in setting up a new house and settling into a new school job. It was a clear shift in the pace of life I was used it.

However, being in the field of helping children with learning difficulties gives me the greatest motivation and pleasure in life. So, after a year of trial and error, I’ve finally eased into a contended routine. It also helps to have two months off for the summer!

I’m happy to present to you the new look and name of the website. Despite not actively working on this space, the website has constantly been on my mind and I hope to continue keeping The Learning Chapter alive.

My obsession with famous quotes is never ending and I’d like to end with Steve Jobs’ words. They perfectly sum up my state of mind the past year or so.

“Have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.” 


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