Parenting · Uncategorized

Parenting Crunch

I read an article in Times of India that left me heartbroken. It was about children feeling ‘orphaned’ despite having parents as their parents barely paid them attention. The article stated parents’ busy schedules as a primary reason for this. But childhood neglect is an issue that has deeper roots. While the article highlighted some extreme cases it would not be a long shot to assume childhood neglect is becoming more common.  Continue reading “Parenting Crunch”

Parenting · Uncategorized

Siblings Matter

The matter of sibling involvement was a point brought up at a parent forum at PRAYATNA, Bengaluru. Parents are often overwhelmed by the problems exhibited by their special child that they fail to provide adequate attention to the siblings of such children. Ms. Arati Devaiah, a psychologist in Bengaluru, was a guest speaker at the forum and spoke about the significance of a sibling’s involvement in a child’s difficulties. Ms. Devaiah felt that explaining what the issue is to the sibling demystifies the problem for them. Getting the sibling to help a brother or sister with difficulties by reading to them or by assisting with homework is a good idea too.

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